There's so many things that happen over the last 2 weeks that I don't know what to write.
Prioritising is a hard task isn't it?
Implementing it is even harder.
I find it an extremely hard test of will. So far, I've fail to put everything in order...
this despite giving leeways to myself here and there.
Sometimes our priority cause us to lose some friends. So far, mine has not been that drastic, but everything I follow my priority list and decided to forfeit meeting friends for it, I feel more distance.
Now as a newbie in the workforce, things are even harder.
This is because I've to consider the $$$ aspect of things now.
Here comes another challenge "BUDGETTING".
I can't believe I've almost used up all my last months income already. This is just on food, and some movies only. No I didn't go movies everyday, no I didn't buy watch, handphone, cloths, or shoes.
Well blame it on my income. hehehe.
But truthfully, I feel that entry level pay in Malaysia generally is too low. Imgine this:
You have a job offer.
You have all the academic requirements.
But there's one catch.
"What?!! I need money to buy car, and to get money, I need a job, and to get a job, I need a car!!"
Huh? How did that happen?
Don't ask me. The world's screw up and more people are screwing it up purposely to make life hard for others while they enjoy themselves screwing up everyone else.
Well, thank God not all jobs have that kind of requirement, but it's just an example of the workforce here. But nevertheless, it's quite weird.
1 fact companise have to realise is cost of living in Malaysia is not like when factories just started where a meagre income would suffice.
Malaysia cannot rely on it's manufacturing industry any more. You can't expect your workers to work on high tech machines if you are paying them manual labour pay.
With the cost of living on the rise, the shift to commercial and R & D or D & D is needed more quickly than the Government thinks.
To shift, the governement must first equip and educate people on a higher level than before to support the shift to new economy.
That's what K- Economy is suppose to be all about. But school's education not to mention the educators are advancing way too late. Here i mean secondary level.
Students are given to shock when the go to tertiary education level because of this.
Although the old saying goes "better late than never", I would say "late is just as bad as never".
Anyway, we can at least the citizens of Malaysia themselves realising this and providing the best education they can afford outside government schools.
Sometimes i don't know if I can make it through life living in abundance as promised in the Word.
Coming to this, God has been testing me on my faith. I find myself trying to go back to child like faith again. Growing to trust God more than on my own strength. A rather humbling experience.
No life isn't easier, but with God I can go through.
Yet Another Year
*Happy New Year 2009!*
That’s a good start to a brand new year *Smiles*
16 years ago