Wednesday, January 05, 2005

A promise.

Oh, I forgot to mention something in my previous blog.
My bro got Chicken Pox!!!! (>_<)
I still haven't got them!!
I don't want them ...
We'll just have to see 3 weeks after he recovers to see if I'll get it. Not that I'm hoping to get it. If I don't get it, I'll go for vaccination.

Today I got all the time in the world to update all my stuff, emails, blog, other accounts.. wahh, it's doing a virtual spring cleaning.

A promise:
Has anyone ever made a promise to you?
It's really "sacred" when its kept. There's a special feeling when a promise is fulfilled, right?
Has some made a promise to your ancestor and fulfilled it?
What more if it's someone of high importance that hold a very high position or a high post.
But it can be really heart wrenching when a promise is broken. Has anyone broken a promise made to you? Have you yourself break promises?
Contrary to the saying "promises are meant to be broken", I know it's not true for many more.

The fact that today I'm living and not having to worry about my home being flooded and I have no dry land to stand on is because of a promise fulfilled.
The promise that is symbolised by the rainbow.
The promies that God will never elminate living creatures with flood. Even as the tsunami has taken a lot of lives, we can find comfort that God has promised that He''l not destroy earth with water.

The promises of God always stands.
But sometimes times are so tough that we feel as though God is witholding things from us. But is it us that are not living by God's word and commandments?
Perhaps we have to make straight our paths and see the faithfulness of God manifest in our lives?
But what I can say is God is faithful. He was faithful, is faithful and shall always be faithful. Despite our crooked ways, He'll always be there for us when we need Him.
Sometimes we go through difficult times, He shall set us high upon the rock, if we cry out to Him. How?, we don't know the means, but that's a promise.

by the way, I made a promise to myself. I've not broken it for 7 1/2 years... hopefully I won't break it before it is complete (>_<)

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