Sunday, October 05, 2008

2nd Chances

This is me taking back control of my life...What the *censored* have you done lately? Wesley Gibson (fictional character in Wanted)

Many time we screw up in our lives. Some are just embarrassing stuff while some are big screw ups. (Well I do agree sometimes we rather die than be embarrassed, but that's beside the point).

The thing is, in life there are 2nd chances that comes at certain times. I have this theory where everyone has an opportunity to a 2nd chance, but only at certain times. If I missed out on the opportunity at that particular point, it may never come back as good as it will be if I had taken the chance, or worst, I may never have the chance again.

Sometimes when the opportunity comes, we let our past hinder us. After which the chance is gone, we begin to whine "If only" ...

Or, on the other hand, we may instead adopt a mindset of " I'm so much better off now than then " OR " I'm better off with my current state than I would be if I had grab that chance/offer ". Could be true, but it could also be a denial thingy. Hmmm...

As with all other things, the choice is ours to make. Which is better, I don't know... Maybe whoever that's reading this can share your thoughts/experiences.


CeLiNe said...

i think all degree of choices/decisions are acts of risk-taking in its own way..we may not know all the the eventual outcome of every decisions but we do the best with what we know then & yes, it can be scary especially choices that deals with our survival, our dreams/hopes, future..

but one thing greatly comforts me, my identity in Christ enables me to have an 'upper-hand' in a sense in all my decisions. i seek Him in all issues that burdens me..i state my case, my hopes & wait. He has been faithful & wise and i'm a stern believer that He will continue to be long as i'm obeying la hihi...

as for the 'what ifs' and chances that may not come again..these are the ones that may build up to be the regrets that haunt us,but i guess this is also where having a relationship with the One that charts our lives is vital.

as much as i wanna know where my life will take me or if my hopes/dreams will ever come true - i surrender also to the fact that i don't even know what may happen to me tomorrow :) that tone..He has crafted my life with great care&love and i pray that when the chance or once-in-a-lifetime opportunity comes my way, i would not only be able to recognise it but to be able to fight for it, making the right moves prompted by His life in me..

i've made gazillions of terrible choices in the past&i do have my 'what-ifs' reminiscence (we're all humans) but i also wanna have the faith to move on when i need to and to take those past missed opportunities as object lessons of life :) the mistakes may well be what makes us more determined to be super-aware of what our deepest dreams/visions/hopes are..

so dude, that's my 2cents..don't know how great of a 2cents it is but hey! a wise sage once said "to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid" as long as the former is where we aim to be la...haha!!

great post, man! God bless!

Amy said...

wa wa wa wa wa .... so long the comment... just put another post la

CeLiNe said...


well you know me..once i get started :)

after i wrote it then i realise that my comment is actually longer than his post!

sorry, dude!