Thursday, February 10, 2005

Pressure stress pressure stress pressure stress

Pressure and stress are indeed related. In fact they are actually the same, if define in mechanical engineering terms. I don't about psychiatric term though.

Anyway, right now if they are 2 different things, I'm feeling both. If it's the same, I'm feeling IT.
I have in my hands right now, End test, Assignments and Final Year Porject. All to be completed by March. Wheew!!

Main point: I'll be very busy, I won't be blogging much, if not, not blogging at all until I get more free time hopefully by March.

Project presentation not confirm. (oh bummer)
Don't know what's with the ISO certified, 1st in Asia excellence award winning centre from Edexcel thingy if PSDC(where i happen to study) can't confirm presentation date 1 month before presentaion month. sighhhhhh.
Admins always have problems eh?

Anyway, point is I'm stressed out and won't be able to blog. bye. (>_<)

till my next blog weeks away,
strained josh.